Saturday, February 6, 2010

Inspiration #6: Quiet, Clean Work Space

Some creative folk can have a messy studio/workshop/whatever space.  Not me.  I have a terrible weakness for clutter, but I make sure it stays out of the room where I do most of my writing.

Last night we got thunder and lightning during a snowstorm.  Scary and amazing and eerie!  It made me extra glad for my little safe haven in the back of the house.


1 comment:

  1. you make sure clutter stays out of the room where you write, or do you make sure you write outside the rooms with the clutter?

    Two more thoughts:
    1. If you like quiet workspaces, we should get me some good headphones that don't leave black flakes all over my cheeks.
    2. It's called "thundersnow".
