Thursday, February 18, 2010

Inspiration #18: Making Sure Your Day Job is Fun

I worked 10 hours today, only to come home, make dinner, and spend until midnight straightening up around the house.  Not a lot of fun, and certainly no time to sit down at the piano or work on my novel.  But on a normal day, it's important for an ambitious soul like me to make sure my day job isn't sucking the creative life out of my bones.  Lucky for me, I enjoy the work I do.  Even luckier, I have some friends at the office who make me laugh on a regular basis.

Because everyone knows that when you're in the midst of a hard day, baffled by your own monthly report, and/or wondering how you're going to meet your deadlines, spending five minutes pretending you're on a reality TV show can be exactly what you need to keep going.  That leads to better work, yes, but also to a mood that's much healthier to carry home.


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