Wednesday, August 18, 2010

2010 Goals Update

Good morning, how are you?

I've been reflecting on my goals for 2010, and while some still seem admirable and totally attainable, I have learned a bit from setting full-year goals. For starters, they're tough to accomplish. I set a goal to finish editing my NaNoWriMo 2009 novel manuscript by the end of the year, but then the summer got unreasonably busy, I started grad school, etc., and work slowed down. Now I'm left to wonder if accomplishing that by year's end would really be a good thing, or if it would just mean I had rewarded myself with a rushed, shoddy manuscript.

That brings me to another point. Life happens. It's impossible to know at the outset what any given year will hold, and it's important to reevaluate goals and make midcourse corrections that make sense.

So how am I doing?
  1. Finish editing my NaNoWriMo 2009 manuscript and send it out into the world.
    Not sure how I feel about this. Like I said, it might get revised.
  2. De-clutter my house.  The whole thing.  Seriously.
    This is still an absolute must-do priority. the Salvation Army truck is coming on September 8, and I've been working a little bit every week to purge out the stuff I don't need.
  3. Begin writing a stage or screen play, preferably as a collaborative project.
    Still admirable, attainable, and a big, big want.
  4. Win NaNoWriMo again.
    Once we get to October, I'll have to decide if I think this is a good idea. Although, I'd like to try a collection of short stories.
  5. Begin pursuing a graduate degree.
  6. Compose an original song.
  7. Learn to play a song fluently on the piano, including singing.
  8. Audition for something.
  9. See a Single Carrot Theatre performance.
  10. See a Broadway musical.
  11. Write a poem and share it, even if it isn't very good.
  12. Write a short story.
    Working on it now!
  13. Fill three notebooks.
  14. Starting in May, get out of the house to write at least once per month (and document it).
    This might be its own post. Let's leave it at that.
  15. Create a writing space in the house (with desk and comfortable chair) where I feel productive.
    Chair: done. Otherwise, see #2.
  16. Starting in May, write for at least 15 minutes every day (or at least 90% of the time...). Set (and meet) realistic writing goals every month.
    I'm going to try this for September.
  17. Take a creative retreat weekend (and document it).
    This is likely its own post, too. We'll talk later.
How about you? Any big goals for the year? What have you been surprised to accomplish, and what has fallen by the wayside?


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