Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Making Lists

Last night I sat down to write, but didn't really feel inspired to expand on any of my notes.  Instead, I found myself making a list.  Somehow I've managed to feel both overwhelmed and directionless lately, and I'm not sure whether to blame that on ADD or not having a right arm (or maybe both).

Whenever I feel like giving up on something or just need to calm down, I make lists.  The act of cataloging tasks, organizing them, breaking them down, and finally crossing them off a list is very therapeutic.

This time, I laid out the things I hope to accomplish in 2010.  I tend to set overambitious goals, so we'll see how far I get.  What seems easy now may seem ridiculous in the Fall, but then again, I wrote 50,000 words last November!

I even made a separate page to store my list, but for now I'm going to introduce it right here.  My creative goals for 2010:

  1. Finish editing my NaNoWriMo 2009 manuscript and send it out into the world.
  2. De-clutter my house.  The whole thing.  Seriously.
  3. Begin writing a stage or screen play, preferably as a collaborative project.
  4. Win NaNoWriMo again.
  5. Write a short story.
  6. Begin pursuing a graduate degree.
  7. Compose an original song.
  8. Learn to play a song fluently on the piano, including singing.
  9. Audition for something.
  10. See a Single Carrot Theatre performance.
  11. See a Broadway musical.
  12. Write a poem and share it, even if it isn't very good.
  13. Write a short story.
  14. Fill three notebooks.
  15. Starting in May, get out of the house to write at least once per month (and document it).
  16. Create a writing space in the house (with desk and comfortable chair) where I feel productive.
  17. Starting in May, write for at least 15 minutes every day (or at least 90% of the time...).
  18. Take a creative retreat weekend (and document it).


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