So guess what, I'll write about the finer points of my day, like writing myself notes so I remember to try to figure out Hast Thou Considered the Tetrapod by the Mountain Goats on the piano. In an attempt to make my evening somewhat enjoyable, I sang along with everything, including the continuous procession of songs playing in my head. Hell, once my arm is in that sling tomorrow singing will be one of the only things I can do largely unhindered (though the sore shoulder might make it a little hard to breathe).
This evening reminded me of my previous post on music as a coping mechanism, and this is one of those times when it was great to come home from work, sit down at the piano, and figure some stuff out. Focusing on telling stories through song took the weight of my stress away, and I think I really relaxed for the first time since this week started.
Writing about my experiences and making music have been my standby coping mechanisms since the first moment I had anything real to cope with. Not surprisingly, they're the only two things I chose to do tonight (in addition to watching American Idol, that is).
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