Monday, August 16, 2010

Creative Non-Fiction (Both Auditory & Weekly): The Mountain Goats - Sax Rohmer #1

This one is a little more rough-draft-y than some others (especially my piece about the Atlantic City boardwalk). It more closely resembles the raw writing in my notebook in style/sentence structure, which is sometimes useful to share. In any case, enjoy!

Few people understand why I love getting to the office early, at least an hour before nearly anyone else. Maybe precious few love waking up early, stepping off the bus while the sunlight still has its morning colors, sitting surrounded by empty desks, but that just leaves it pristine for the rest of us.
In the middle of all this emptiness, though, still missing the morning coffee I’ve temporarily abandoned to kick a caffeine habit, the space starts to absorb my productivity. Minutes pass as if falling through a sieve. If I don’t fill the air with something substantial it will create a vacuum that carries me all the way until 9:00.
Luckily, no one is there to form opinions on my music selection.
John Darnielle’s voice, anything but universally likable, sends an electric charge through my chest straight down to my bellybutton. I find myself mouthing the lyrics, drumming on my desk, dying to feel his words vibrating in my throat but settling for triggering a chain reaction in my synapses. Somehow his words just cover me in the English language, make me delight in my native tongue, just the same as staring out the bathroom window early in the morning in my old college apartment made me amazed at my own ability to perceive color. Rusting tin roofs, red painted wood on the side of a garage, green Victorian house next door, everything peeling and faded under the big open sky.
When I close my eyes, tilt my head back, open my mouth just a little during the chorus I realize how much I should listen for the door, for footsteps out in the lobby that might signal prying eyes. Because soon, very soon, this will end. The door will slam one, two, three times, and the workday will begin in earnest, human energy flowing all around me.


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