May had 31 days to it this year, and I only sat down and did my daily writing practice for 21 of them. That's barely even most of the time, so I need some work there. On the bright side, I wrote a lot on some of those days, in addition to doing some good work on my manuscript. I just need to make sure I'm carving out time every single day and not letting "extenuating" circumstances become an every-other-day occurrence.
In the latter half of May I finally got myself down to Single Carrot Theatre, which is certainly something I'd like to continue doing. In college I had a friend who'd take me to plays, and I guess part of me thought I'd always have a person like that in my life. This month I learned that maybe I need to be that person for others!
A plug for Baltimore folks: Single Carrot is in a great spot (Station North: lots of new art spaces, plus easily accessible and free of the parking and/or transit complications of Mt. Vernon or downtown) and provides an intimate theatre experience not to be missed. The show I just saw was the sort I can measure by how long I spent cocking my head to one side—it's a slightly embarrassing habit when I'm really studying a piece of creative work. Plus you get a complimentary glass of wine or soda and a cheerful greeting when you walk in the door!
Directly after our theater excursion, my husband left me all alone for a weekend, and I took advantage of the opportunity to spend the morning writing at Carma's Cafe in Charles Village. Baltimore plug number two: Carma's is another absolutely can't miss. Sitting for two hours and focusing solidly on my work was a challenge, but that's why I made it a goal in 2010! That work session got me over a big editing hump, and I think this weekend I'll try dropping by the Evergreen, where all the trendy writers seem to hang out on their laptops.
In terms of big projects, I rededicated myself to editing my manuscript and got some really nice work done on it. I also started decluttering the house and making way for my new work space by spending an entire weekend in the basement sorting through stuff (and deciding to give most of it away to the Salvation Army). Big life news arrived on the scene, too, as I enrolled in an online MBA program concentrating in non-profit management.
While I'm not ready to move/create my office quite yet—our quick-and-cheap basement remodel needs to happen first—I did buy a real desk chair. My back is thanking me at this very moment, and typing away at my desk feels so much nicer!
All in all, I feel good about May, if not the first half of June. I've gone through a lot of rededication to my creative practice, and it feels good to be getting my life back again after my surgery disrupted the rhythm of things so much.
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